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371 Prince Regent Lane is a housing development scheme designed as part of a two stage competition by Newham Borough Council (NBC). The vision is to create a sustainable residential development that acts as an exemplar scheme by attaining Code 5 under the Code for Sustainable Homes (CfSH) criteria. It is intended that the principles developed with this scheme will be integrated into a Newham wide sustainable housing development roll-out programme.

Designed under the Newham competition brief and CfSH the development contains 7 residential units; 3no. 2-bed flats and 4no. 3 bed houses.  The Code 5 with the CfSH has been attained primarily through a combination of good thermal design, the use of renewable technologies, e.g. photovoltaic panels, water saving strategy, achieving high air tightness targets coupled with very low U-values and primary use of Green Guide A* and A rated materials.

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